Friday, August 5, 2016

Offer of Representation!

Signing the contract! Woot!

In the past couple of years, I've begun writing adult upmarket fiction. And I am thrilled to announce that I've signed with a literary agent and am now represented by Chris Bucci of the McDermid Agency! (Here's a link to the "agents page" of the agency website.)

Signed contract!
For those who aren't familiar with the term upmarket fiction, it's the "sweet spot" between literary and commercial fiction. The idea being that it's both plot-driven and has beautiful language. If you're a bit more interested in what "upmarket" means, here's a short article from Writer's Digest.

My novel is an adult Southern noir with elements of magical realism. In other words, it's a suspenseful novel set in the South with a character who's not quite of this world. I'm very excited about the book and hopefully it will find just the right publisher and editor.