Friday, August 20, 2010


Our kids love acting.  They were recently in Shakespeare's As You Like It.  Here are some photos.  Notice the cool costumes--I made the boys' and Ariel sewed her own.


Matthew played Touchstone.  He needed a motley coat.  Blue and green was as "motley" as Matt was willing to go.

Ariel played Rosalind and also performed in a string trio before the play.

Jacob played Oliver--the bad guy in the play.  But it's okay because he's reformed by the end.

Luke was the stage manager (he's too old to participate anymore).  However, when an actor dropped out, Luke eagerly took his place as well as managed the stage.


  1. Great job on the costumes and I am sure they had a blast doing it. Two of my girl were active in college productions and enjoyed every minute of it. I even worked the spot light for one of the events they had. Hopefully they will do more and stay encouraged.

  2. Haha, that was such a fun thing to watch:)

  3. Awesome costumes! Gotta go see this one year...

  4. I was in As You Like It in high school! I played Jacques (changed to Jacquelina since I'm a girl). :) The costumes look wonderful!

  5. We rarely change the gender of our characters unless we have to. This year Jacques was played by a girl, but we kept his/her gender the same.

  6. Shakespeare is always quite fun.

  7. I should have lent Matt my teal, red, yellow, bright green monster that Heather sewed for me seven years ago. Pshah on cool colors. Bright colors forever!
