Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Okay, okay.  Sorry.  I know I owe you a post from yesterday.  But we had something more important yesterday--we spent the day with the husband and children of a dear, dear friend who recently died.  It was a blessed time for all of us. 

But I promise to make it up to you, my faithful readers.  We're leaving for vacation tomorrow, and I'll have at least nine hours in the car--plenty of time to finish a few blog posts that I've already started.  In the meantime, I'll leave you with a new watercolor that Cal recently finished.  Of course, you'll have to remember that my old digital camera does not do justice the the wonderful nuances of color and shadow in Cal's paintings.  But enjoy!


  1. A gorgeous painting! Who is Cal? And forgive my laziness, but I'm commenting on your other posts here too. Dark chocolate and sea salt? How weird is THAT? Or am I missing out on something?

    Being a LOTR fan, I've always wondered about the Wheel of Time series too. Keep me updated! If it truly does addict you, I may give it a try too! Loved Ender's Game and Peace Like a River, too.

  2. I was floored at the painting! Cal could so have a show at a gallery, or has he done that before? I know he paints for love and satisfaction, but he could so sell his stuff! Pass on the praise :-).

  3. Margo,

    Oops. I should've mentioned Cal is my husband.

    Yeah, dark chocolate and sea salt is weird. But if you try it, you'll be a believer. :)

  4. Connie the painting is wonderful. Such talent, can we see more? Thanks,

  5. Your husband is very talented. So I suspect yours is an interesting household with a writer and an painter living under one roof. :)

  6. Jill,

    Yes, I'm very spoiled to have someone close at hand who likes to talk about aesthetics.

    As for interesting, we have four teenagers aged 14-19, who are all math/science people (Two are college students. One is majoring in math and one is majoring in chemistry.) So yes, our household is very interesting. How did we get these children?! But, oh, what a blessing! My daughter taught me how to do partial fraction decomposition last year.

  7. I remember the image when it was still in progress. Ariel's hair wasn't completely finished, so it looked rather odd. Now that it's done, however, it looks really neat!! Where are you going to hang this panting...?

  8. What a wonderful painting. Thanks for sharing it on here! I hope to see it in real life soon.
