Viper Wine by
Hermione Eyre

Ms. Eyre does a masterful job of exploring Venetia’s
vanities and her dependence on viper wine to maintain her beauty. And lest the
reader feel too superior, the author juxtaposes Venetia’s foolishness with our
own society’s youth and beauty obsessions resulting in everything from fad diets to breast enhancement to
liposuction. However, in exploring Sir Kenelm’s folly, the author misses the
mark. Kenelm is a bit too disconnected from the narrative and his own life for
the reader to fully vest in him. And the brain messages he receives are often
jarring to the narrative flow of the text.
Despite this, the writing itself is usually clean and lovely.
I felt like with a bit more editing, particularly in the last quarter, this
novel could have been a more fluid and engaging read.
N.B. I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.
Great and honest review, thanks for sharing!